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attract teacher中文是什么意思

用"attract teacher"造句"attract teacher"怎么读"attract teacher" in a sentence


  • 吸引教员


  • In the first phase , i taught a " comprehensive activities " course , which combined contents from music , physical education and fine arts curricula . the course changed students " attitude and unproved their chinese performance . it also attracted teachers " attention to my research and stimulated their interests in trying new teaching methods
    在这一阶段的研究中尝试进行的音、体、美相结合的“综合活动课” ,不仅使学生的精神面貌发生了可喜的变化,使学生的汉语表达能力得到了显著提高,而且也引起了该校部分教师对研究的关注,并产生了改进自身教学的愿望。
  • It puts forwards that teachers " mobilization through transmission is to make use of media and administratively translate the ideal curricula of experts into daily teaching practice ; teachers " mobilization through competition is to set the standard for curriculum innovation and also foster a competitive situation with reasonable principles and valuation ; and teachers " mobilization through participation refers to making efforts to attract teachers to actively participate in the curriculum innovation and integrating the innovation of curricula with the professional development of teachers , which will undoubtedly be of great benefit to both sides
用"attract teacher"造句  
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